"Pages from a Diary" is a peculiar episode of Suspense. The story opens in the bedroom of of a farmer named John. His fiance, Janet is looking for something that will help her understand what has happened to him. She opens his diary and starts reading. From there, John's disembodied voice takes over and reads aloud. The narrative takes us into the mind of a man is suffering from mental illness. It is filled with dream-like imagery and confusion. In the background, the music adds to the mood of turmoil.
This episode's weakness is that it is one long narrative and relies on the listener to stay intrigued. Not everyone will be. At the very end, we learn something that explains the narrative we just listened to.
This episode works because Jim Backus plays the role of John. Why does Jim Backus keep our attention? Who knows, but he does. Perhaps because this isn't the kind of role he typically played. His wife, Henny Backus, played the role of Janet. Normally, the two authored humor books together, but this episode of Suspense shows a different dimension of their talents. "Pages from a Diary" was written for Suspense by Virginia Bolland.
This episode aired on August 19, 1962.
. Download Suspense_1962.08.19.PagesFromADiary.mp3
(Image from Morgue File)
I took up the pursuit of listening to every Suspense recording available, first to final episode. This episode and "The Yellow Wallpaper" were the only two I couldn't get myself to finish.
(I guess monologues narrating a descent into mental illness don't hook my attention). Can anyone tell me if it's worth enduring?
Posted by: Kevin Gleeson | January 14, 2016 at 07:32 AM
Hello, Kevin - - This is a year after your question, so my reply may be irrelevant by this time. Have you listened to "Pages From a Diary" by now? Mr. & Mrs. Jim Backus turn in fine performances. But Mr. Backus always seemed to put in the effort to deliver a good performance whether it was in "Suspense!", "The Alan Young Show," "Gilligan's Island," a Mr. Magoo cartoon or appearances on "What's My Line/" or "Password." This is the first time I've heard Henny Backus, but she does well, too.
Having said all that, I can't really recommend this episode. Most of it is what you call a "monologue narrating a descent into madness." It isn't a particularly interesting story although there is a bit more to it than you think. If I were to say yea or nay to your taking twenty-four minutes of your time to listen to this, I would suggest you find an episode other than this one. It wasn't worth the time to me.
Also, "Yellow Wallpaper" proved depressing and disturbing. I am second to no one in my admiration for and appreciation of Agnes Moorehead, but I disliked "Yellow Wallpaper" very much.
In both episodes, my complaint is with the story, the plot, and not with the acting.
If you did, indeed listen to either or both of these, I would be interested in knowing what you thought.
Posted by: Philippa | January 17, 2017 at 01:48 PM