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October 12, 2008


Mike Hobart

I hadn't been aware of the "happy ending" version of this story. Hollywood has always had a tendency to do this, the most notable example would be Hitchcock's "Suspicion".


Still, it is hard to believe that Suspense, of all shows, couldn't end the story as written. I'm surprised that they held themselves back. - Christine


I wasn't crazy about this one at first, it seemed a little obvious, but after a relisten it grew on me. A couple of questions:


1: I wonder, did Mr. Todd and his relatives have anything to do with Dr. Messenger's death? The narrator, in his delirium, wasn't quite sure what happened. Todd knew when the British rescue team was to arrive a day or two in advance, so perhaps his scouts spotted the Messenger expedition and took matters into their own hands to obtain a new reader.

2: How was Todd able to write the dates on the two crosses if he didn't know how to read? I suppose it's possible to know numbers without being literate, but you can't help but wonder if maybe he knew how to read all along.

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