In "Heads You Lose," two private detectives are hired to find a missing Wall Street millionaire. This episode has some similarities to "Donovan's Brain," but the story plays out in a different way.
Steve Kimberly and Rollo Collins are private detectives. They aren't quite as reputable as the other detectives in town, so people usually come to them only in desperation. As the episodes opens, an attorney named Harrison Ward arrives at their office.
Mr. Ward asks them to find Joshua Franklin, the famous Wall Street financier who disappeared about six years ago with $100,000 in cash. Joshua Franklin only had six months to live at the time he disappeared, so it was assumed that he must have died some time ago. At least, that is what Mr. Ward thought until he suddenly received a phone call from Joshua Franklin! How could he still be alive?
Perhaps, just part of Joshua Franklin has been kept alive...
"Heads You Lose" was written for Suspense by Robert A. Arthur and produced/directed by Bruno Zirato, Jr. William Redfield starred as Steve Kimberley. Raymond Edward Johnson played Joshua Franklin. Also appearing were Kermit Murdock, Santos Ortega, Mel Ruick, and Jimsey Somers. This episode aired on March 11, 1962.
. Download suspense_1962.03.11_Heads You Lose.mp3
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