"The Missing Person" is a Suspense "based on fact" psuedo-documentary which tells the story of a symphony musician who mysteriously disappears shortly before a performance. (The true names and places were changed.)
A writer in Los Angeles is assigned to do a feature story on Joseph Ebner, who disappeared in March of 1948. Joseph Ebner was first violinist for the Los Angeles Symphony Orchestra.
One night, just before the evening's performance, Ebner got up from his chair to go downstairs to get something from his locker. He left the stage...and was never seen again.
How can a musician disappear without a trace between the stage and his locker?
(Given that this episode aired in 1952, and it is now over 50 years old, one wonders if there was ever a resolution to this true story...)
"The Missing Person" was written by Richard Pedicini and produced/directed by Elliott Lewis. MacDonald Carey starred as Phil Dexter. Also appearing were Joseph Kearns, Jay Novello, James Nusser, Irene Tedrow, Herb Vigran, and Paula Winslowe. This episode aired on May 12, 1952.
. Download Suspense_1952.05.12_MissingPerson
(Image from Stock.xchng)
Haha. Just heard the episode for the first time and had to google Ebner to see if there was any resolution. Must've missed the bit about names being changed. What about the tune? I wonder if Soundhound could help (just kidding).
But seriously, I would love to find more info on the true case....it sounds fascinating.
Posted by: CarolinaHiker | March 11, 2013 at 08:24 AM
Otto Klemperer, conductor of the LA Philharmonic, suffered from bipolar disorder. In 1939 he had underwent unecessary brain surgery, was institutionalized and vanished. He was later found in New Jersey. His career recovered and he conducted into the 1970s. His son, Werner, was TV's Colonel Klink.
Posted by: Sterling Ramone | January 20, 2016 at 08:34 AM
I also can't help wondering if there is a follow-up to this story...did the musician ever materialize? Seriously...it's the 2nd time I've listened to the broadcast this week and my curiosity is seriously peaked! Anyway, would love to know the whole story.
Posted by: K. Warner | March 16, 2016 at 11:26 AM
Is this one the "worst of," list?
It needs to be on the worst of," list.
So, overly melodramatic and then with no payoff. Ugh!
Posted by: addie | April 02, 2016 at 07:16 PM
Thank you Warner. 😊 I was about to search for a similar real life disappearance.
Posted by: Davisa | November 07, 2023 at 09:35 AM