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October 30, 2011



Oh. My. God.

I'm just.

I can't.

There's no.

I just don't.

I can't...comprehend.

It's just so...


This was so disturbing. I have to admit I laughed when he said "How can a shadow be slimy? D:"

Thanks so much for sharing.

Daniel Boivin

One of the best of "Lights Out" stories. But the original is not lost. You can find it pretty easily on the web.

Christine A. Miller

Hi Daniel, I did this post a while ago, but as I recall, the 1962 version is often passed off as the 1937 version. According to episode logs for Lights Out, the 1937 episode is not available.
So, that is what I am going by. I haven't been able to find a copy of the original 1937 version.
Thanks, Christine

Daniel Boivin

Hi Christine. You're right, my mistake. The sound of the version of "the Dark" that I have is so poor that I really thought that was the original one, but after listening carefully both versions, it's the same recording, but the one you post on youtube sound SO much better, almost too much better...hehe. Is it possible that the original one featured Boris Karloff? I think that there was a sort of special program with Chicken heart, The Dream and The Dark which was all featuring him.

Carolyn Hipkins

Wowww! Eeek! The creepiest otr show I've heard yet.

Alyssa McIntosh

Daaang! 😨😱I’ll make sure to not listen to this before bed. But this is literally an entertaining and creepy story from an old radio show. I can’t wrap my head around this. This is 🔥!

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