In The Mysterious Traveler episode "Behind the Locked Door", two archaelogists on an expedition discover a haunted mountainous cavern, where a wagon train was cut off from the world.
The episode opens in the mountains of Lake Mead, Arizona. A car winds down the road and stops at a mountain lodge. A young woman named Cathy Evans hurries up to the front door and knocks...until Martin, her fiance answers.
Martin returned alone and unexpectedly from an expedition last night, spent one hour in town and then disappeared without telling anyone where he was going. Now, she finds him here. He is obviously wounded and sick. Cathy demands to know what has happened!
Martin finally tries to explain...but Cathy can't believe his story could be true.
"Behind the Locked Door" was written, produced and directed by Robert Allan Arthur and David Kogan. Lyle Sudrow and Robert Donnelly. This episode aired on November 6, 1951.
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