In The Gibbering Things", The Shadow must solve a mystery involving a demented professor and the small creatures that make those gibbering sounds heard in the woods...
As the episode opens, dapper man-about-town Lamont Cranston, (a.k.a The Shadow), is traveling with his lovely friend and companion, Margot Lane. They are going to spend the weekend with her aunt, who lives in rural New Hamsphire. On the way to Aunt Sue's place, their driver entertains them with the local legends about the "haunted woods" nearby.
The driver assures them that it is all just a big bunch of hoo-ha...but people are said to have gone into the woods and disappeared, and there are creatures that make a funny gibbering sound, and there are screech owls that make unnerving screams. But, none of those things should worry them.
When they arrive at Aunt Sue's house...she isn't there. As the search the grounds for her, they hear a gibbering sound...and The Shadow soon discovers that the "haunted woods" are a very, very weird place indeed.
"The Gibbering Thing" was written by Alonzo Deen Cole. Bill Johnstone starred. This episode aired on September 26, 1943.
I've been following this list for a very long time. Kind of sad that you've already posted most of ESCAPE and SUSPENSE (not really). But I love that you're now posting shows that chill from other genres. I've not been into the Shadow shows just because there are so many. This is a great way to hear what others choose as excellent programs or scripts. Thank you.
Posted by: Leslie Feagan | October 24, 2011 at 03:51 PM
Hi Leslie,
Thanks for your comment! It has been fun for me to listen to some other shows this month. After almost five years, I don't have too many Suspense episodes left to work with. (I miss the early days of this blog, when I had loads of episodes to pick from.) So, maybe I will start pulling in episodes from other series to fill my dwindling supply of good material. Best regards, --Christine
Posted by: Cmillinsf | October 24, 2011 at 05:17 PM
Dear Christine: I just check my Shadow reference book by Martin Grams Jr. Bill Johnstone did not play the Shadow, it was Bret Morrison in his initial role. This episode began the fall season of 1943. Marjorie Anderson played Margot Lane. Alonzo Dean Cole was the scriptwriter for the Witch's Tale radio program heard in the early Thirties.
Posted by: Mike Newton | October 24, 2011 at 05:35 PM
Hi Mike,
Thanks for the correction and ther name of the female actress. I really wasn't sure if the actor playing The Shadow was Bill Johnstone or not, so if you say it wasn't, I'll take your word for it. Alonzo Deen Cole is credited with being the author of this episode on Wikipedia, so that is where I got that info. If that isn't correct either, let me know. Thanks! Best, --Christine
Posted by: Cmillinsf | October 25, 2011 at 08:27 AM
Wow, I always loved this episode but had no idea that Alonzo Dean Cole wrote it. That is totally a trip! I'm a big fan of The Witch's Tale.
Another Cole crossover, The Witch's Tale episode "The Spirits of the Lake" was adapted for Weird Tales magazine in Nov 1941.
Posted by: Shonokin | October 27, 2011 at 03:09 PM
I grew up listening to my dad tell me about radio plays, especially The Shadow series and the drama "The Hitchhiker." I was so excited to find this blog and be able to listen to some of these tales! I am evening burning some to a disk for my dad; he is going to love it. Thank you so much for keeping these stories alive!
Posted by: ConnieTrue Simons | November 06, 2011 at 10:08 AM
Why did you switch from posting Escape and Suspense episodes to posting Lights Out? Have you run out of Escape episodes? Not complaining, just courious
Posted by: Mike Newton | November 06, 2011 at 12:53 PM
Hi Connie,
Thanks for your comment. I'm glad you found us, and that you are going to make your dad a dvd of these shows. I too, grew up with parents who spoke with great affection about the radio era.
(Actually, my mother is the copyeditor of this blog!)
Best regards,-- Christine
Posted by: cmillinsf | November 06, 2011 at 09:35 PM
Hi Mike,
Thanks for your comment, yes, I am running out of material. I ran out of Escape episodes last year, and now I am running low on Suspense episodes. However, I'm not done just yet! We stil have a ways to go before I let go of Suspense!
Posted by: cmillinsf | November 06, 2011 at 09:54 PM
In the Blue Coal ad during the mid program break, "An Automated Heat Regulator" is offered. This of course was the Thermostat. In this first episode of the 1943 season, the abnouncer says that this thermostat will help regulare the heat and therefore save coal.
Posted by: Mike Newton | December 22, 2013 at 02:41 PM