In "Two Platinum Capsules," a small amount of radioactive material disappears from a hospital and causes panic in a small town. According to the introduction, this radio play is based on a true story.
As the episode opens, George Murphy, part-time uranium prospector, has just come home from a trip into the desert with his geiger counter. Johnny, his son, is excited to see him, but George is worn out from his trip, so Johnny then goes out to play with his friend, Pete. After discussing possible places to go, Johhny and Pete settle on going down to have a look at the new dump.
Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Nurse Webster, is discussing her new duties at the hospital with the administrator. Part of her job involves working with the contents of room 222, the dangerous area where the radioactive materials are stored.
Later that morning, two radium capsules are reported missing from room 222! Hoping to find them as quickly as possible, the hospital asks George Murphy to use his geiger counter to locate their lost radioactive material .
But, as it turns out, the missing radium has already been found...
"Two Platinum Capsules" was producted and directed by Antony Ellis. Edgar Barrier, Dick Beals, and Stacy Harris starred. Also appearing were This episode aired on January 10, 1956.
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(Image of Edgar Barrier)