In "Hold Up," Joseph Kearns stars as a shopkeeper who is determined to gun down anyone who tries to rob his grocery store.
As the episode opens, Jim Chase tells his wife, Hazel , to open the safety latch on the gun that is hidden in their cash register. He then tells Hazel to get out of the way...
A young man enters their store, seemingly to buy cigarrettes, but then, suddenly, he orders them to hand over their money! He tells them he has a gun in his pocket, and he isn't afraid to shoot.
Jim complies with the young man's request, but then turns and shoots him three times through the head. Then, he shoots a couple more times to make sure that he is completely dead.
When the police come to investigate, they question Jim about what happened. Then, he is questioned about the other two times that he has killed men during hold up attempts.
Jim doesn't make any apologies, the war took away his emotions about guns and death. The captain cautions him not to be a hero, but Jim complains that he doesn't have time to wait around for help from the police.
Later, the police warn Jim and Hazel that the dead man has a dangerous brother, who may pay them a visit...
"Hold Up" was written by Jules Maitland and produced and directed by Antony Ellis. Joseph Kearns starred. Also appearing were Alice Backus, Leonard Winerib, Shepard Menken, Larry Thor, Byron Kane, Frank Gerstle, and Sam Edwards. This episode aired on August 29, 1956.
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(Image of Joseph Kearns from Wikipedia)
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